
God Save the 'KING' ala a CORPORATION.

God Save the 'KING' ala a CORPORATION. To be part of a Kingdom is Treason. As a King is a Corporation and someones property.
Using the kemetic alpha bet i have been chewing on the word King.
Know-n Intent snake God.
To Know no God. Means King as in means no and g signifies return the Kimmel the gamma the Creator.
What is FICTIO?
In Roman law. A fiction; an assumption or supposition of the law.”Fictio” in the old Roman law was properly a term of pleading, and signified a falseaverment on the part of the plaintiff which the defendant was not allowed to traverse;as that the plaintiff was a Roman citizen, when in truth he was a foreigner. The objectof the fiction was to give the court jurisdiction.

Great Britain.,

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