
Child safety . A BIG QUESTIONS??????

Child safety .  A BIG QUESTIONS?????? It's a short video on child safety. Nowadays child safety has become a global question that , is our child safe in this new generation at school , at home ,somewhere outside or at any other places.According to the India research done by government of India EVERY 3RD CHILD AMONG US IS BEING SEXUALLY OR PHISICALLY HARMED AND 55.6% CHILDRENS AMONG THESE CHILDREN'S ARE BOYS.
Secondly girl child safety has also became a big question specially in India where girls are treated like an animals by some fecal minded people's who runs after the girls as an hungry dog and the sexually harm the girls and make their life over .
These types of people should also be treated same as an animal and the should be hunged in front of the public and the dead body should also be thrown to the hungry dogs.


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