
Apollo Moonversary: Went to explore the Moon and in fact discovered the Earth, Cernan|

Apollo Moonversary: Went to explore the Moon and in fact discovered the Earth, Cernan| M. M. ALAM
KARACHI: Venue was the Lincoln Corner where today (Saturday 20th of July, 2019) the Acting Consul General of USA Darian Arky here has inaugurated a photo exhibition featuring Apollo 11 mission half century ago & Pakistan’s connection to the Apollo program. The expo is meant to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Lunar Module Eagle (carrying Buzz Aldrin and Commander Neil Armstrong)’s touching the lunar surface on 20th of July 1969. Consul General Darian Arky told that Gene Cernan and the crew of Apollo 17, the final manned mission to the Moon, visited Pakistan in 1973: “Arriving in the modern-day successor to the ancient civilization of the Indus River Valley, they brought with them a piece of Moon rock from Taurus-Littrow Valley. As I looked through the newspaper photos of the American astronauts chatting with Pakistani students, scientists and journalists amidst throngs of onlookers whose smiles beamed with almost lunar brightness. I felt I had a clue of what Cernan meant about discovering Earth. Luckily for any of us we don’t have to go all the way to the Moon to gather rocks if what we are searching for is the commonality of our humanness.” American diplomatic mission’s Cultural Affairs Officer Steve Valen and Sindh Govt.’s Secretary Culture Waseem Shamshad also spoke on the occasion.

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news pakistan,ibex media,news pakistan tv,newspakistan live,Lincoln Corner,Liaquat Memorial Library,Acting Consul General of USA Darian Arky,Apollo 11,50th Anniversary of Lunar Module Eagle,Buzz Aldrin and Commander Neil Armstrong,Gene Cernan,crew of Apollo 17,Moon rock from Taurus-Littrow Valley,American astronauts,Cultural Affairs Officer Steve Valen,Consul General of USA in Karachi,US Consulate General in Karachi,First Man on the Moon,

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