Gear we use to make our movies:
Under $100 tripod -
Stedicam/stabilizer -
Zecti slider -
Mini-shotgun mic:
2 lav mic set:
Standard zoom lens (pricey by great):
Tele zoom lens (cheap, light, sharp):
25mm prime (cheap and excellent):
B-camera w/zoom lens:
25mm prime (my fav Sony lens):
(review here)
Camera light (small, bright, cheap):
Camera light (even smaller, cheaper):
Brolly box (helps make a nice even, soft, white light):
Lighting gels:
Make-up kit:
Keyboard (the best/cheapest pro keyboard):
Our editing program:
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We use all of the above gear extensively. The links are the cheapest versions I could find on Amazon as of this post. Some of the links above are affiliate links which means that if you click on them and buy, I get a small commission. You don't pay more by clicking these links than if you just went to the retailer’s web site on your own.
I use the proceeds to buy additional gear to review and help you improve your sound, lighting, and video. Thanks for your support!