
“Our Highest Traffic Page Isn’t About Our Main Category”

“Our Highest Traffic Page Isn’t About Our Main Category” An interesting question from the Reddit SEO channel, "Our site is about landscaping, but our highest traffic page is about weather. This page is bring in half our traffic. Should we delete this page (because the bounce rate is high)?"

If you have a high-traffic page about a subject that is tangentially related to the main topic of your site, that is not a bad thing. It may not be the page you want to see getting most of the traffic, but you can still leverage it to help your SEO. I wouldn't delete it.

Bounce rate has very little to do with SEO. It is too easy of a signal to manipulate, and it is a poor way to measure if someone was happy with a page (they could be on the page for a long time, a bounce is just a session of one page view.)

As long as the majority of the posts and pages on your site are about the same subject, having a page that is on an outlying subject that performs well won't hurt.

What you should do is leverage internal linking to the page you DO want to have rank. Find pages that you can link to from that popular article.

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highest ranking page not main site category,high traffic page not about main subject of site,should i worry about high traffic page not lining up with main subject of site,seo,search engine optimization,lockedown seo,

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