
Number & value of credit card purchases in Australia, 1995 - 2018

Number & value of credit card purchases in Australia, 1995 - 2018 It would appear buying things on credit is the real Australian sport. The growth in the number and value of credit and charge card purchases since 1995 is staggering, and symptomatic of a culture that encourages people to buy what they like, and buy it now. And the banks and credit card companies are laughing like hyenas.

All the data in this video comes from an RBA spreadsheet, which you can download here if you're at all interested:

RBA data: Credit and Charge Cards – Seasonally Adjusted Series – C1:

To download the spreadsheet directly:

RBA,Reserve Bank of Australia,Credit,Credit Card,Charge Card,Credit Card Purchases,Value of Credit Card Purchases,Number of Credit Card Purchases,Australia,Debt,Banks,Credit Card Companies,

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