
Matthew Grady | Right Track Community Solutions, Inc.

Matthew Grady | Right Track Community Solutions, Inc. Growing up in Savannah, Georgia, I would have never dreamed that my life would look the way it does today. I was the typical kid who found freedom in writing. Jumbled thoughts would somehow begin to make sense on paper. Ideas quickly became speeches. I often wrote about my dream of traveling the world inspiring people like me who had a rough start on life. It would be sort of like sharing my story of hope to help guide my peers out of difficult places. This time I’d know what to expect. I’d be outgoing. I’d create. I’d find my voice in this world.
I began speaking at churches , youth events, christian services and in high school was invited to Atlanta for a youth organization rally. This was a big deal! The big city was finally calling! 
I later realized it wasn’t, but maybe God was. Maybe God was trusting me to extend my voice to a generation of youth of young adults hungry for change. I aligned my life and decided it was now or never.
Life was nothing like I had imagined. I spent years working in retail as a Loss Prevention Associate. During that time, I continued volunteering in my local community and with organizations I believed in. I discovered that I found deep fulfillment in helping people. I was later asked to work at my church and I accepted. It was there that I grew into a better  leader and I found that hope is a renewable option: if you run out of it, at the end of the day, you get to start over in the morning.  
Life’s not about our destination, but rather our journey.  I now have the privilege of helping thousands of students make good decisions 
with their relationships, education, and teaching them how to start over in the morning when it feels like their hope is running out.


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