The Washington Post reports, “Tlaib’s bill would give direct cash help to those at the bottom of the income distribution — annually offering $3,000 to individuals and $6,000 to families — in an attempt to reduce poverty in the United States and bolster the wages of the poor.”
In an interview with a Fox affiliate in Detroit, Tlaib called her plan “earned income tax credits on steroids.”
“This is basically a broader umbrella for families that make $50,000 or less if you are single, or $100,000 or less if you are a family,” Tlaib added.
The proposal offered by Tlaib, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and political ally of socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., would cost “trillions” of dollars, according to the Washington Post’s report, and serves as yet another reminder that many Democrats have absolutely no clue how basic economics works.
For starters, giving cash even to those who are unwilling to work would discourage them from finding a job, working more hours, or applying for a promotion. Why work harder—or even at all—if government is going to send you a check every month for doing nothing?
This one problem alone would severely and negatively impact economic growth. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports there are currently more than 7.48 million job openings. How many millions more would be available if people were encouraged by checks from the government to cut back their hours or avoid work altogether?
Second, as any undergraduate student in a freshman-level economics class could tell you, flooding the market with cash would quickly cause prices of all sorts of consumer goods and services to increase, negating the alleged benefits offered by the plan for those who qualify for the tax credit. In the end, these consumers’ purchasing power would likely remain the same.
However, in the case of those who don’t qualify for the program, the situation would worsen significantly. Consider the following example: If you are an individual who earns $55,000 per year, you wouldn’t qualify under Tlaib’s proposal for the cash payments. But you would still be forced to pay the higher prices caused by increasing the amount of cash infused into the marketplace. That means Tlaib’s policy would inflict financial hardship on many middle-income individuals and families, especially those whose salaries are only slightly higher than the program’s cutoff.
Third, under Tlaib’s plan, millions of people, including college students, would receive these cash payments, even though they aren’t in poverty and don’t need the money.
Fourth, Tlaib’s cash bonanza would take huge amounts of money away from other parts of the economy. Someone is going to have to pay the trillions of dollars nee