

IMPRESSIVE Ways That ANIMALS COMMUNICATE! Animals need to communicate with each other just like we do! Here are the most unique and impressive ways that animals chit chat in the wild.

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Hey Badger Buddies, Here are Impressive ways that animals communicate with Each Other. Number four is the loudest noise in the ocean!
The humpback whale is the Bruno Mars of the ocean. Humpback whale males sing to their dates. What’s amazing is that their songs have a rhythm and a rhyme. Marine Biologists believe that whales use the tempo and rhymes because is makes the songs easier to remember. And the better the whale’s voice the better the odds that he’ll get some whale tale.
Fairy Wrens talk trash to thread at hers to impress the females. Fairy Wrens are these cool little blue birds that live in Australia. Unfortunately for the Fairy Wrens they are super low on the food chain and are a favorite snack for birds of tray. The push sir Bird seems to have a real affinity
Caribbean reef Squids are natures version of mood rings. These tore see dough shaped creatures have 10 arms and are most often found among the ocean’s shallow reefs. Like most squids they have a huge appetite and typically consume 30-60% of their body weight every day. Caribbean Reef Squids are social creatures and usually run in small packs.
Pop quiz pop spot, Which creature do you think has the most complex language in the animals kingdom? See if you can guess the correct answer in the comments section and we’ll let you know later in the video if you’re right.
Coming in at number 9 is the largest land animal on the planet. Not only are elephants staggeringly large, they are also prodigious communicators. Elephants can produce sound waves at a super low frequency. So low that humans can’t even hear it. After developing some advanced equipment to measure the elephant call, scientists found that elephants use these noises to communicate even when they’re miles apart. What’s more is that after studying Elephants for
From elephant to rodent, next up we have the Mole Rat! The mole rat looks like mother nature had a wild night out, made some very bad decisions and in the morning….mole rat. The Mole Rate lives underground in burrows that they dig.
Treehoppers are tiny insects that are found on every continent except for Antartica. They have a sharp, pointed spine on their back which makes them look like the thorns on the plants that they call home. What’s fascinating about this little thorny insects is the way they talk to one another. When they want to communicate Treehoppers will literally send each other good vibrations. A Treehopper will perch itself on a plant stem and vibrate its body, which sends out a frequency that other
Here’s a fun fact about Rhinos, for all of their lumbering mass, menacing horn and indomitable attitude. They actually have terrible sight. Look at those little eyes, can you even see my hand bud? To supplement their lousy eyes, evolution has given them a keen sense of smell.

Chimpanzees are a highly adaptable species and inhabit a range of habitats including tropical rainforests, mountain, swamp forests and less densely vegetated forest-savannah areas. Chimps represent our closest living relative, sharing 98% of our genetic DNA. Evolutionary Biologists believe that humans and chimps shared a common ancestor around 7 million years ago.
Dolphins are the best, they surf on waves, they are known to save humans from sharks and they have an extroadinary ability to communicate with each other. Dolphins chat using intricate patterns involving three forms of sound, whistles, burst-pulsed sounds and clicks.

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Peruvian Warbling Antbirds live in pairs and they are known to have rocks it relationships. The females are fiercely territorial of the males and they get real jealous real easily. The two lovebirds sing together to let other
Its Answer time! According to professor Con Slobodchikoff of Northern Arizona
Prairie dogs are essentially chatty little squirrels of the dessert. They live in giant and intricate underground burrows that can be populated with up to thousands of Prairie Dogs. The way that they communicate is through loud barks and yips that make up a stunningly complex language.
Coming in at number one is the nasty ways that bears communicate in the wild, its unbearable!! Bears are solitary creatures. They like to fly solo and they want other bears to know to stay out of their territory.

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