
Huawei / Honor Ban Facts & How it might affect you

Huawei / Honor Ban Facts & How it might affect you US has placed a ban on Huawei & Honor Smartphones coz of the trade war that is going on between US & China I talk about the same what it means and how it affects you if you already own a Huawei or Honor phone and I also got direct statements form Huawei / Honor regarding the same and personally what I feel about this current situation.

Topics breakup of this video

1:00 Intro & Why the Ban
1:55 What the Ban Means
2:45 Android & the Ban
3:20 Android AOSP
4:05 The ban starts Aug 19
4:35 The Irony about the Ban
5:25 Huawei New OS
7:00 Google sides with Huawei
8:35 Existing Honor / Huawei Smartphone
9:00 Huawei Statement
9:40 Honor Statement
10:30 My Take on this
11:45 After Aug 19
13:10 ios & Android Third OS
13:40 Will developers post app on Huawei Store?
14:45 Huawei Trade War scape Goat
15:40 My Personal Opinion on this

External Links to the stories for more info

huawei ban,honor ban,trade war,Aug 19 ban,huawei android ban,honor android ban,huawei trade war,huwaei US trade war,geekyranjit,

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