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Edited by: @benlionelscott
Spoken by: Ramit Sethi, Vince Lombardi, Dan Pena, Kevin Hart, Martyn Ford, Elliot Hulse
Footage by: LifeProof, TERRITORY 6, Filmpac, A Beautiful Mind, Limitless, Archer's Mark, Zoe Hawkins, Willie Leatherwood
Music: Elephant Music - Singularity
How often do we procrastinate? How often do we say stuff like, "Yeah I really should do that, I don't know, I guess I'm just lazy." We have a problem with too many choices, too many options, and not following through on any of them. Well let me ask you a question, how many diets does it take to get down to the weight you'd like to be at? Just one. The one you stick with. How many times do you have to reorganize your office, your desk, your approach to your business, your profession, Before you begin to see some of the results you'd like to see? Just one. The one you commit to and stick with. The difference when I tell you I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna do it. You don't start things and not finish it. You don't quit. There's nothing that comes out of quitting, besides knowing that you didn't finish. We finish everything. You start it, finish it. When I pick it up and say I'mma start it, I gotta finish it. It all don't work, it all ain't the best, it all ain't knocked out the park, but I walk away saying I finished it. I did it. I don't ever feel like I lose because I won't give up. And if you don't win, be upset, and go back and win. So when it's all said and done, and I look back, I can go, I gave it 100% and look at how good I got. Look at what I'm a product of. Don't try, do. Forget about trying, forget about making an attempt, forget about testing it out. Although you may not end up in the profession or in the area that you're starting out, you don't wanna go halfway. You don't wanna just dip your toe in, you wanna jump in hard. Do not try, do. Go hard. It requires a tremendous amount of courage to say, I'm going to give this thing a chance, I'm going to give it my all. And if it doesn't work out, that's okay. But I know that I tried my best. Where are the warriors that say, I'm gonna make a decision, and I'm keeping it. Go deep into all these things that you love, 100%. Devote yourself to something bigger. Be decisive about what you're gonna do. Say, I'm gonna do it and that's it. And then be disciplined about getting it done every single day, whether you feel like it or not.