
Datta Maata - 273

Datta Maata - 273 Dharmān pramaditavyam!
We keep saying the word dharma. What does that mean? It means fulfilling duty and responsibility. Sri Rama followed dharma and showed it to the world. That is dharma. Sun is following his dharma. Else, all of us would have been living in darkness. The lotuses blossom because of him. Few plants, trees and beings are surviving by being dependent on him. According to science, he is the reason behind our good health. When his rays fall on us, we get rid of some diseases. Moon, if doesn't adhere to his dharma, then there will be no medicines and everyone would have been struggling with diseases. His influence is seen on few plants, stones and few beings. Mainly, the mental diseases get desyroyed because of him. The clouds and Earth should discharge their duties. Only then, rains will shower and there will be cultivation. If Fire, Water and Wind do not do their duty, then everyone should suffer.

When Dhritarastra had to face a trouble, he suddenly remembered about dharma. He asks Vidura to tell him about dharma. The latter becomes angry and scolds him at his face.
Viparīta tarascatvam!
Bhāgadhēyēna sammatah!!
Dharmātma dharma kōvidaha!!
"You do not have any virtues. Hence, you lost your intellect. You have become anti to everyone. Since, you do not have a proper vision, no one allows you to rule the kingdom. Such a person like you is Dharmātma and Dharma kōvida?(one who adheres to dharma)." If we observe Vidura's words, we understand the deep meaning. He said, "You do not have even an oata of Dharmaraja's royal and noble qualities. However, you could attain something. You have learnt very well to make everyone to hate you. You did all you wanted to do and today you want dharma? You have made Sanjaya talk about morals of dharma in front of Dharmaraja." This (the last statement) caused pain to Vidura. Hence, he spoke all the above words in a mocking, heckling and indirect manner. Vidura asked Dharmaraja if he had any royal qualities. Hence, one should never cross the path of dharma, come what may. Else, one has to suffer like Dhritarastra.
Dharmān pramaditavyam - one should not go away from the path of dharma.
Dharmam cara - Follow dharma. We must follow these words of command by Veda Matha. Hence, it is said "Dharmam cara". Follow dharma. That itself will protect you. In this manner, if we protect greenery, that will protect us back. Whatever we protect, that will offer us protection back. Follow Truth and that will make you win. Follow dharma, that itself will protect you. Hence, come what may, dharma should not be given up. Thats why, Vidura explained very well. He had so much bravery to put Dhritarastra back on track. Even if doesn't come back on track, his idea is that at least he should show inclination to know about dharma. Vidura had put in amazing efforts not for himself. We feel that he told all this to Dhritarastra only to tell everyone. Else, it would not have reached the world. Hence, starting from some ordinary morals, he talked till royal morals. Let us discuss further later.

Jaya Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!


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