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Change of Brain

4. Our brain changes in three very basic ways to support learning:

A. The first is chemical. So brain actually functions by transferring chemicals signals between brain cells, what we call neurons, and this triggers series of actions and reactions.

B. The second way that the brain can change to support learning is by altering its structure. Here the physical structure of the brain is actually changing.

C. Now the last way that our brain can change to support learning is by altering its function. With learning we see that whole networks of the brain activity is shifting and changing.


5. So neuroplasticity is supported by chemical, by structural, and by functional changes. These are happening across the whole brain. They can occur in isolation from one another, but most often they take place in concert. Together they support learning and they’re taking place all the time. Structural changes also can lead to integrated networks of brain regions that functions together to support learning. They can also lead to certain brain regions that are important for very specific behaviors to change our structure or to enlarge.

Behaviors Change Brain

6. It's important to know that the loss of brain cells with aging, resulted damage, like a stroke and then studies began to show that remarkable amounts of reorganization in the adult brain. The ensuing research has shown that all of our behaviors change our brain. These changes are not limited by age. In fact they are taking place all the time. Very importantly, brain reorganization helps to support recovery after you damage your brain.

7. Important point is that increased difficulty, increased struggle if we practice, we learn more and greater structural changes take place in our brain. So everything we do, we encounter, we learn, everything we experienced is changing our brain. So each of us is going to have changed our brain differently. Understanding the differences, individual patterns, the variability and change is going to enable and unlock our potentials we have. Bottom line is we have to do the work and brainstorming exercises that will help us learn.

Brain Constantly Changes

8. Contrary to what we thought, the brain doesn't stop changing or developing at a certain age. The brain constantly changes it's shape, chemical processes and patterns regularly and these changes are determined mainly by our individual behaviors. If we choose to change our brains, we must change our actions like what we do, where we go to, what we listen to, what we see around us etc. There is no quick fix or drug to enhance neuroplasticity than to change our behavior. It is interesting to note that the overlapping discovery which can be generalized is that our behavior is the major and lasting way to change our brain.

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