
2019 06 05 Satan's Golem If the bantering paving regarding realms Affords

2019 06 05 Satan's Golem If the bantering paving regarding realms Affords An Astrology Based Autonomous Anne Frank

The desperate attempt of the man who would be king to demonstrate "elder" credentials.

An assertion machine. A tourism event. A modern day re-occurrence of the madness of King George. Also a dream guide & A cure for clairvoyance.

Noone likes bad news, so Satan me some more, when I point out that "the nation has no place in the bedroom of Satan" is not only a 15 year Canadian obsession and hate crime, but also the reason I undertook this task. A fact otherwise stated that the downtown Toronto police station outside my window does not exist on any maps. However:

Astro-Robbie , or April, as my golem is called, is in QA and rapidly coming up to spec.

These current samples have a hole in the filter for variants of the auxiliary verb "may": eg, "might" , "must" which makes for the occasional annoying incorrect verb matches with these variants.

That glitch is expected to pop out of QA shortly.

This is the oracle of the man who would be king, his horoscope, as told by the all-talking never-repeating mouth. The brain is derived from the published works ( presently 1/2 million words ) of a handful of authors including Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah, The Arabian Nights, Isaac Newton's Princpia , Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, and Albert Einstein's Relativity.

Albert's calculus equations need a second look at rendering and sound a bit stream of conciousness. Albert & Isaac each have only the opening chapter of their books. The remainder are complete.


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