

USS TRIPOLI, AMERICA CLASS CARRIER, READY 13 WEEKS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE    RHINO 2018 At $12.5 billion per ship, Ford-class supercarriers are the most expensive warships built for the U.S. Navy -- but not all aircraft carriers have to be that big.

The America-class small aircraft carriers that transport Marines on amphibious assault missions, for example, carry only a fraction of the firepower (no more than 20 F-35B fighters) of a full-size supercarrier (carrying up to 90 aircraft). But at just $3.3 billion, they also cost a lot less. Military shipbuilder Huntington Ingalls (NYSE:HII) builds both types of warship, and is more than happy to spend the Pentagon's money building whatever size carrier the Navy wants. In fact, Huntington Ingalls just finished building one of the America-class vessels well ahead of schedule.

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The United States Air Force will be a trusted and reliable joint partner with our sister services known for integrity in all of our activities, including supporting the joint mission first and foremost. We will provide compelling air, space, and cyber capabilities for use by the combatant commanders. We will excel as stewards of all Air Force resources in service to the American people, while providing precise and reliable Global Vigilance, Reach and Power for the nation.

The U.S. Army’s mission is to fight and win our Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders. We do this by:

Executing Title 10 and Title 32 United States Code directives, to include organizing, equipping, and training forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained combat operations on land.

Accomplishing missions assigned by the President, Secretary of Defense and combatant commanders, and Transforming for the future.


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