
There's Literally Not Enough Money on Earth to Fund Warren's Plans for Presidency

There's Literally Not Enough Money on Earth to Fund Warren's Plans for Presidency Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is but one of several Democrats running for her party’s presidential nomination in 2020, and she has ambitious plans to enact if she attains the White House. In fact, “I have a plan” has become a sort of unofficial slogan of Warren’s campaign already, so ubiquitous has that particular phrase become with the progressive legislator and her grand ideas for the nation. There’s just one problem, though: All of the plans that Warren has either expressed support for or devised have costs associated with them, and those combined costs over 10 years are estimated to be a greater sum than all of the world’s money put together. The Washington Free Beacon conducted a rough cost analysis of five major proposals Warren backs — two put forward by others, three proposed by herself — that would cost upward of $129 trillion in federal spending over 10 years. The first two proposals are the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, which have estimated costs of $94 trillion and $32 trillion over 10 years, respectively, for a running total of $126 trillion.


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