
Rush Limbaugh WENT On TV And Did The ONE Thing NO ONE Had EVER Seen Before(REPORT)!!!

Rush Limbaugh WENT On TV And Did The ONE Thing NO ONE Had EVER Seen Before(REPORT)!!! Rush Limbaugh went on TV and did the one thing no one had ever seen before. Rush Limbaugh reacted to Hillary Clinton's Time 100 event in.cen.diary comments in classic fashion.

Hillary Clinton raged that Trump only es.caped indictment because of his position as President and Hillary begged Congress to impeach the President.

Rush pointed out that it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that co.llud.ed with the Russians to create the fake news Steele constituted a con.sp.iracy to de.fra.ud the United States and that Clinton should be investigated, indicted, and ja.ile.d.

Rush Limbaugh,Hillary Clinton,

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