
How to grow thicker beard naturally? - Dr. Deepak Devakar

How to grow thicker beard naturally? - Dr. Deepak Devakar Get to know your specialist personally

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Many men suffer from less beard hair. This gives an immature look and less manly look and it reduces their confidence. This can be corrected with a procedure called as beard transplant. when we are extracting hair form the back of the scalp through a follicular unit extraction technique here single hairs are separately removed and these are transplanted in the shape of the beard, giving a natural result. This is done under local anaesthesia. This is done when the person is awake during procedure and we are just numbing the skin during the procedure. These are transplanted according to the shape and eh angle of the hairs. This is a permanent procedure and it will continue to grow for the rest of your lives and thick and mainly and the coarse effect of beard can be gained by doing this procedure. This is a minimally invasive procedure, a day care procedure where you can do the procedure for few hours, it takes about 4 hours or so and you can go back to your daily activities. Simple care is required after a procedure. No downtime is there. You can go back to your daily activities and routine partial correction of beard is done with approximately 1000 hair. If there is complete correction required with 1000 to 4000 follicles required for complete correction of beard area. The results of this growth is usually seen by 5 to 6 months. Around 7 or 8 moths there is a complete growth. In the first couple of months you will see minimal growth and then gradually the hair grows more and there is more visible results around 6 months.

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