

ABOUT DAMAGING EFFECTS OF THE MICROWAVE RADIATION AND BIO-CHEMICAL ATTACKS This 19-second video clip displays the damaging effect of the microwave radiation, which application is combined with bio-chemical alteration of my food and water intake, in parallel to pollution of my showering water, which is performed through usage of Programmable Data Unit (PDU) pumps.

On the video, you may see my right leg, which quadriceps is shaking so badly. However, I did not recorded my left eyelid, the bottom and left side of my back muscles, and the right part of my abdomen, as I did not want to expose them publicly. Miserably, my nervous and cardiovascular systems are attacked through combined use of these inhuman and cowardly intelligence-based methods, which are applied over me by corrupted United States intelligence-based entities that perform several fabricated investigations against me.

The methods referred are widely used by referred entities against their targets of operation (in this case me) after they are threatened about how they will be harmed in case they do not perform as they are told. The threats are given with intent to cause psychological pressure in their target of operation, pursuing its obedience, radicalization, or suicide. Of course, nothing of that is going to happen in my case, as I am actively fighting these intelligence-based entities and practices with decades, which application is approved by certain United States governmental agencies, as well by their bilateral partners overseas.

The methods referred are also used for killing of collateral victims and unwanted public figures, as well for elimination of important people who they sacrifice for sake of fulfilling of their political and cultural agendas. This is how through the plumbing system many are killed without realizing that.

Please note that United States government, as well some of its bilateral partners, were timely informed by me about this unjust criminal practice implemented by some of its intelligence-based agencies. However, it still ignores my appeals to investigate its agencies, because of corruption presented inside it. This is why those of you who are genuinely good people should distribute this material everywhere, as those who are supporting the unjust and immoral governmental practices will sabotage this knowledge and information distributed to you.

Note: For your information, the PDU pumps work through remote access control and GPS navigation, spraying contaminated chemicals into the water, which happens for the time when targeted person takes its shower. The PDU is always applied in parallel to surveillance camera access, etc., in order for timing of application to be properly managed, for no wrong person to be exposed on hazard. Its primary application is designed for use in the water supplying system, where targeted people are secretly sickened and killed through diseases. The PDU units are also
applied for causing of airplane, boat, train, and standard road traffic accidents, and their dimension may vary from half of an inch to few inches, depends from application.


Milan Kjalasan
10th of May 2019th, Friday
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States


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