I felt it was pretty poor on IS's end to not really acknowledge this crossover until the last minute. It's also a big missed opportunity to not have a double sided crossover.
On the flip side, Cygames has done really well implementing the Fire Emblem heroes into their game and going as far as changing their home screen and adding the FE music over! They gave us FEH original characters like Alfonse, Fjorm, and Veronica as well as fan favorite Marth!
I still wish this was a double sided crossover in which we got some of the Dragalia Lost characters in FEH. Seeing characters like Euden, Cleo, and the others would have been really cool and a good way to have FEH players try out Dragalia Lost!
Anyways, I really like all the work that Cygames put into making this DL x FEH crossover! You can tell they definitely put a lot of effort into making this crossover a good one!
★Fire Emblem Heroes★
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